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Patient Newsletter July 19 Posted or Updated on 19 Jul 2024

Welcome to the latest of our weekly newsletters. We regard it as a priority that all patients at our surgery sites at Adlington, Buckshaw, Croston, Eaves Lane Chorley and Lostock Hall are kept fully informed of developments at NM Health Innovations. We hope these regular updates continue to prove useful.


Major Computer Issues

We are sorry to advise that this morning, Friday, July 19, the main computer systems at all our surgery sites ie Adlington, Buckshaw, Croston, Eaves Lane and Lostock Hall have been affected by a major technical problem.

This has resulted in the system not being operational and has affected our ability to operate our appointments system and access patient records, impacting our service in general and causing issues with appointments.

At the time of writing, we were awaiting confirmation of whether this is a local issue or is one which is related to the global technical problems which have been reported in the national media.

However, we can assure patients that technical staff have been working on the issue and we are updating our patients on any development via our website and social media channels. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this problem.  


Covid Problems

Unfortunately, levels of Covid infections remain very high in the area at present.

We are aware that many of our patients have tested positive and are suffering from the effects and after effects of the virus.

If you are concerned about catching the virus, we would advise you to use a face covering when in public places, particularly if you are immuno-compromised.

There are at present no national Covid restrictions currently in place, but if you or your child have tested positive, you should if possible stay at home as much as possible and avoid contact with other people for five days after the day the positive test was taken, or three days if you are under 18.

You should also try to avoid meeting people who are more likely to get seriously ill from viruses, such as people with a weakened immune system or the elderly, for 10 days after the day you took your test.

If you have any other issues or need more advice, please call the national Covid helpline on 119.


Thank You

We’d like to thank all our patients for their understanding when our surgeries were closed this Tuesday afternoon, July 16 for essential training.

This training was delivered to NHS staff nationwide and is intended to improve our standards and service in the future.


A Day Late!

We apologise but for logistical reasons, this week’s news update is a day late.

Back to normal next Thursday, July 25.